After a lonnnnng winter with tons of snow (the photo below, taken when we were out pruning apple trees, illustrates our snowpack on March 25) and no thaws to speak of, we finally emerged out from behind massive snowbanks in April, and launched straight into Mud Season and Road Ban Season! These two factors complicate our springs because we cannot either access certain job sites due to unstable ground or because the local municipality have road-bans posted that limit what kind of equipment (due to weight) we can take to a job. So we had to pick and choose.

Then, in early/mid May, when all bans were finally down and we could take on whatever jobs we wanted it was nose to the grindstone.
Then, a couple weeks later, it was Blackfly season!! And it's still going strong. Stronger than ever, actually. It's the worst that we've seen it in a number of years, to say the least! We have not been driven off a job site, though (this has happened in the past!, ahem, Brownfield Maine!). So we pull our hoods, douse ourselves in Natrapel, and persevere ;)
We have a new member of our team, Adam (below, left), who is here for the season and will be a great asset to our day-to-day operations. He comes to us with a good number of years of work in both municipal and residential settings throughout New England and the Mid-Atlantic. We are stoked that he is on board!
We have a new member of our team, Adam (below, left), who is here for the season and will be a great asset to our day-to-day operations. He comes to us with a good number of years of work in both municipal and residential settings throughout New England and the Mid-Atlantic. We are stoked that he is on board!
We have already seen a whole range of job types this season, everything from snip-snip fine pruning of Tupelo Trees to technical-over-the-house rigging jobs...massive pine removals to apple improvement to 'boutique' logging jobs and site clearing. Super glad that we don't do the same kind of work every day, it sure keeps things nice full of variety and spice!